Saturday 6 February 2010

Directing and director's calls

The director is in charge of everything within the studio. He is responsible for the lighting, sound and camera movement/shots within the project while during filming he directs the cameras and the cuts.

As well as having to be calm and cool under presure, due to having to make quick descissions and commands to the crew, the director must maintain order amongst the staff in and around the studio floor.

The directors calls must be clear and accurate so as to avoid any error during filming.

The main crew that the Director speaks to are the Camera ops, for they are the people who create the scenes for the project while the Director just strings them together.

The Director calls are all those which have been mentioned in the Camera movements section but they are mearly adjusted to suit the situation, for example. "Camera 1, PED down, crab left and zoom in on guest A for an MCU"

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